I think whoever has a Personal Relationship with God, I mean somebody who knows & understands God’s heart and seeks His face for everything and in every situation can have a life of abundance. Whether he / she is alone or in the midst of a crowd, his / her face sparkles with overflowing joy. He / she doesn’t have to declare that ‘I am a child of God.’ His / her sparkling face makes this fact clear to everybody.
Guilty consciousness for anything hinders us to have a good relationship with God, with others and even with our own self. We cannot have a life of Joy if we have a guilt conscience. We need to have a clear conscience to be at peace with God, with others as well as with our own self. A Personal Relationship with God gives us the sense of good and bad, so that we could have a life without blemish and also without guilt conscience. We can lead a joyous life.
There are few people in the Bible like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and Paul etc., who had walked in peace with God and with others in their whole lifetime. They had never spent any moment of their lives in guilt consciousness, because all of them had a wonderful personal relationship with the God Almighty.
How is your relationship with God today? Is there even a relationship exists with God? If the answer is NO, then I want to disclose few secrets of developing a good relationship with God in our daily lives as under:
1. Spending quality time with Him in Prayer.
2. Studying His word to know Him better.
3. Shedding all your tears only before Him.
4. Saving the first Place for Him in your life.
5. Sharing your Joy with others to magnify Him.
Dear friends! He is eagerly waiting for us to take the first step. Let’s build up a fresh relationship with God and be joyous & in peace with the Almighty, with others and with our own self.